Tuesday, October 5, 2010

digital neo-surrealist George Grie

George Grie is one of the First Digital Neo-Surrealists.  His works are mainly in the digital 3d area.  His 3d art landed him a job as a multimedia design artist with IBM. 
His Art is a mixture of old school "surrealist symbolism" with more modern fantasy and visionary art.

The first picture denotes dryness, lack of water and decay with a crude mechanical drive to turn these ships into land crawlers. 
The connotations I get out of this picture are quite mixed.  I see the mixture of the subconscious mind pushing to throw physics out the window.  Something like bringing a dream to life. 

This piece is very interesting.  This art denotes the edge of the world on a perfect night.  Chaos is ahead but in the place of calm sea.  A connotation of this art would be a supernatural delusion with some kind of realm on the flip side of the edge.  You can see two stone men holding up the edge of the world.  Something unnatural is happening here. 

 This Art piece is just fun to look at.  Right away a journey into the subconscious comes to mind.  The Denotations are a castle with an air ship and a sea vessel.  Isolated from anyone in a very old land.
This piece is very similar to the others.  The connotations are not so clear.  Maybe this connotates a Realm of Magic in a fantasy setting.  Obviously this is something that could never be on our Earth. 

With all of these Digital art works several things are clear.  They connotate Isolation and mystic illusions, sources of magic and crazy dreams.  George Grie's surreal influences give him a creative avenue to produce limitless images of the mind.  One fine artist.
Here are some links to the pictures I found on the Internet.

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